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Hello ladies and gentlemen, boys and grrrls, dogs, cows and other species, welcome to my shitty blog. Who Cares Right!?! is officially unpublished music fanzine by me. It concentrates on reviewing music. Our goal is to make people say "Golly jeepers!" to how much music can a 1 person take. Our dear mr critic, Fringe, will do all the reviewing. If he cannot do atlest one review in a week, we put him to a box, having nothing but gruel and mustard to eat till he finishes atleast the one dang review. His english may suck at times since he has no real education on it. He somehow learned english by watching Cartoon Network when he was little. He'll review everything from official albums to bootlegs, rarities and oddities... anything.

tiistai 2. maaliskuuta 2010

Review #3: The Casualties - For The Punx

Year: 1997
Genre: Rock
Tribal War Records
Tracks: 12
My Rating:

Well... I've been a huge fan of the original sounding, creative, non posey. GOOD bands and never really been into this sort of "punk" as the Casualties. They just seem so obviously being more about their image, over-sized orange or green mohawks and their clothes rather than the music. Not very punk. Could never take them seriously enough. But i haven't heard much of their music, so i'm gonna give them a chance here and listen to their first album "For The Punx".
I like their name. A casualty is a person who is the victim of an accident, injury, or trauma. Can relate to that.

For The Punx
Starts with a bass line, then the guitar starts playing and then they go for it really fast. Alot of screaming and some back up OI OI! yelling which made me laugh a bit. I doubt that those real OI listeners wouldn't never listen to the Casualties. And now that i read their lyrics for this song i must say wow. It's like this was meant to be a response to how i described them earlier. As i was talking about their image. The lyrics state:

You always put us down
Cause we spike our hair
Bondage trousers and dyed hair
I'll never change my ways
Don't tell me what to do
Don't tell me what to wear
I'm gonna do it as I please
That's the way we live


Their image is not a problem with me, infact i couldn't care less about that right now, i used to hate it because they wanted to be called punk and having all that expensive, cliche clothing and blablabla.... anyway i'm just here to listen to the music. I don't really like singer Jorge Herrera's style. This is the longest song on the album (2:33 min)

2. Ugly Bastards
I like the guitar sound in this song. Reminds me of the song "Alternative" by the Exploited, who obviously along with the other more dressed up "punk" rock bands, have influenced The Casualties alot. This song is about when everything just goes to shit.

Out of School, I've got no work
So my parents kicked me out of home
My girlfriend yesterday
Left me alone left me in pain

Oh your god was I all wrong
Ugly Bastard you Ugly Bastards
Was it all just my fault
Ugly Bastard you Ugly Bastards
No I'm not the one to blame
Ugly Bastard you Ugly Bastards
Is it me oh what a shame
Ugly Bastard you Ugly Bastards
So I say it once again, I'm alone and all in pain
Always I seem all alone, No one by my side for so long

3. City Life

The lyrics complain about how boring living in the city is

City life - fucking boring
City life - No hope & glory

The guitar sound makes me want to annihilate something...

4. Riot

I like the title. I wanna riot. NOT to destroy stuff or burn cars or crap like that. Because of those idiots, rioters have gotten a bad image.
They don't really tell a reason why riot, just yell how they want "fucking Riots everywhere"

5. Casualties

Starts with some guy talking "I've got something to say, what do you think this is all about? you think this is a fucking costume? This is a way of life". Convincing the listener, that they are to be taken seriously. Then sounds like some woman is having an orgasm, then the song kicks in real fast. Sounds alot like their previous songs, fast guitar riff, beating drums fast, screaming... the song tells you that being a casualty is their way of life

Casualties....We're everywhere
Casualties....A Way of Life
Casualties....We'll never change

6. Who's Gonna Be...

First of all, cool guitar sound in the beginning. Then it suddenly ends and gets more like their previous songs... it repeats itself a bit too much. Some people like this sort of "punk rock". I prefer more experimental and original sound, not so straight forward. I don't know why punk rock was later evolved of being about writing trashy songs like the Casualties do.

Who's gonna be
When the cops come around
Who's gonna be there
When There's no one by your side
Who's gonna be there
When you find yourself all alone
Who is gonna be there
When you're behind fucking bars

And my answer is: NO ONE!! your on your own

7. Police Brutality

kinda Black Flag style the starting bass line... then it kicks in as usual. Follows the basic Casualties formula. Not bad, doesn't suck. I'm not gonna sit here and tell how much some song sucks, 'cause how boring is that? I wouldn't even review an album i know sucks beforehand. Anyways, i like what the song is about, i've met few people who have gotten beaten up by cops for doing nothing! just being in a middle of a riot, not destroying anything. And we all know cops use their power wrong alot of times. This song seems to be about cops beating up punks (or punx as they like to call it). The subject always concerns me and i'm all for fighting back for someone or something i believe is not right but with as less violence as possible.

8. Punx & Skins

My version is actually titled "Punx & Skinz" i guess it's hip to put x's and z's everywhere. Being a skinhead is not about being a racist, fascist bonehead looking for trouble.
It's cool that they "sing":

Punx and Skins are out everynight
Punx and Skins not looking for a fight
Punx and Skins just wanna have some fun
Punx and Skins will always survive

It's funny how much i've heard so much negative about these idiot skinhead (bonehead) guys, who just come to the gigs to beat and yell insults at the bands and not listen to the music except some really horrible bands. It's stupid.

9. Destruction & Hate

Starts pretty cool. This sounds a bit different than their most songs. The lyrics have a good point,

When you go to school
Or when you go to work
There's always somebody
To tell you what to do
When you are at home
Your parents Pick on you
Dont' you think it's time to leave
And make it on your own
Think for Yourself!

10. Two Faced

Similiar to their most songs. Same format again. Pretty much all their songs atleast on this album are the same. The most easy type of rock music you can make. The song is about cunts who talk smack behind your back. My best advice to that is just don't care about the pathetic bullys.

11. Chaos Punx

This song is sung in Spanish. So i don't know what the lyrics state. Similiar to their other material...

12. Punk Rock Love
Yeah this is a love song:

Into a scene full of lies
Met you there, you seemed alright
Gave you love, gave you a heart
All you gave me... Broken Heart

Broken heart - I want it back
Broken heart - I got it back

For The Punx was a bit too much repetitive


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