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Hello ladies and gentlemen, boys and grrrls, dogs, cows and other species, welcome to my shitty blog. Who Cares Right!?! is officially unpublished music fanzine by me. It concentrates on reviewing music. Our goal is to make people say "Golly jeepers!" to how much music can a 1 person take. Our dear mr critic, Fringe, will do all the reviewing. If he cannot do atlest one review in a week, we put him to a box, having nothing but gruel and mustard to eat till he finishes atleast the one dang review. His english may suck at times since he has no real education on it. He somehow learned english by watching Cartoon Network when he was little. He'll review everything from official albums to bootlegs, rarities and oddities... anything.

keskiviikko 9. kesäkuuta 2010

Review #22 - Adolescents - Adolescents (1981)

The Adolescents from California. Formed with the early members of Social Distortion and Agent Orange. Their singer, Tony Cadena has been performing with many other bands such as White Flag, Abandoned, Sister Goddamn, Flower Leperds, ADZ and Gabba Gabba Heys. When he formed the Adolescents, was as old back then as i am now, 17! It's been said that him and Steve Soto got the idea to form a band after an Agent Orange show. The Adolescents are fairly popular among skateboarders. This is their self titled first album, letz taek ey lookah,

1. I Hate Children
Starts with a mean riff and kicks in. Pretty basic hardcore punk themed song. Fast drums, riffs and chanting in the chorus "I hate children!". I think they're singing of an angry parent's point of view. Being sick of the responisibility of having to take care of a child. In the beginning the child gets born and moving towards the end, the parent is starting to be really damn fed up with it and says to the child, "Do you see this toy it's called a gun,
And if you wanna live you'd better run".

2. Who Is Who
This is my favorite song by Adolescents. And yeah its pretty cliche since its one of their most popular songs, but fuck it. The song is awesome. Mudhoney covered it. The starting riff sound is really cool, quickly kicks in the song and the chorus, you can't help but to crank it up during the chorus it just sounds so awesome.

3. Wrecking Crew
This is a slow, mellow song. Not really that was just the beginning. He sings about being so over bored but soon it gets really fast and loud. Songs about being a lonely blue-collar worker whose life seems empty.

4. LA Girl
The Distillers have a song with the same title, but the song is totally different. Song is telling us about a girl from Los Angeles, whose really spoiled and only hanging out with certain kind of people who look like she wants and stuff. "My life starts where your life ends".

5. Self Destruct
Really short song. Last 15 seconds or so are just a fun noise soloing. Song is about OD'ing of heroine.

6. Kids Of The Black Hole
This is the longest track on the album (5 and a half minutes). Starts really chilly. I like the guitar sounds they make and the bass is more visible to hear here. Song tells about lost kids. Aliens who don't belong to this world. I like when they stretch the song, but not too much. But like this. This proboably the most creative song on the album.

7. No Way
The album kinda cooled down. This starts real slow too, and some odd, i guess kinda psychedelic sounds in the background. Soon the song gets more fast. The lyrics are funny,

No class, no job
I'm just a victim of society a slob
No ass, no head
I gotta go home and jack off instead
No mind, no kind
My brain is jelly and my memory is blind
No way, no way
I cannot live in a world this gay

Too bad i can relate to it so its not that funny anymore............................................................................................................................................

8. Amoeba
Was the Amoeba record store named after this song? I don't know, maybe it wuz.
In the beginning they sing "Amoebaaa" over and over again. But soon Tony's vocals join the song. And yeah hes singing about an amoeba and being amazed that this little thing has a mind of its own, but it better off dead if it only knew.

9. Word Attack
This is a fast song. I like all the melodies the guitar plays. Specially during the "We'll attack, we'll attack" part.

10. Rip It Up
Someone yells "rip it up!!" with real raspy voice in the beginning and then here we go. The first verse of the song talks pretty much directly about the movie Clockwork Orange and how they're sick of violence and if thats away to kill your boredom then you really suck.

11. Democracy
A song about how democracy doesn't work. Here in finland, few years ago when was the last president election thingy, the right wing party representer said in his campaign that hes the "president of the workingclass" yeah fucking right. Glad he didnt win eventually..

12. No Friends
I'm so ronery, so ronery
So ronery and sadry arone
There's no one, just me onry
Sitting on my rittle throne
I work very hard
And make up great prans
But nobody listens no one understands
Seems like no one takes me seriousry

And so, I'm ronery
A bittle ronery
Poor rittle me

There's nobody I can rerate to
Feel rike a bird in a cage
It's kinda sirry but not rearry
Because it's firring my body with rage
I'm the smartest most crever most physically fit
But nobody else seems to rearize it
When I change the world maybe they'll notice me

And until then I'll just be ronery
Yeah a rittle ronery
Poor rittle me

I'm so ronery

13. Creatures
The theme of the song is being a reject and not fitting in in the jock ruled system. Cheerleaders are just pleasers, they say no so i jerk white tears - teasers. I like the chorus "I hate them all! creatures!" which they chant few times over again and towards the end Tony sings it more angrier and angrier.

My 3 fav tracks:

1. Who is Who
2. Kids of the black hole
3. Creatures

My Rating: 7/8

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