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Hello ladies and gentlemen, boys and grrrls, dogs, cows and other species, welcome to my shitty blog. Who Cares Right!?! is officially unpublished music fanzine by me. It concentrates on reviewing music. Our goal is to make people say "Golly jeepers!" to how much music can a 1 person take. Our dear mr critic, Fringe, will do all the reviewing. If he cannot do atlest one review in a week, we put him to a box, having nothing but gruel and mustard to eat till he finishes atleast the one dang review. His english may suck at times since he has no real education on it. He somehow learned english by watching Cartoon Network when he was little. He'll review everything from official albums to bootlegs, rarities and oddities... anything.

keskiviikko 9. kesäkuuta 2010

Review #21 - Agent Orange - Bloodstains EP (1980)

Hello again. Been awhile (as usual) since i've done reviews. School ended and summer break started so it's been wild and party every day and night....... not really. It's actually been pretty lame and cold. Now, Agent Orange is a band from Orange County, California and been around since 1979! Though their earlier stuff is way more interesting than their later work... This is their first release and it's self-released which is mentionable. Bloodstains is a pretty well known "punk anthem", it's proboably the first skate/surf punk song ever written. Whatever skate or surf punk is, but that what the song makes me think of. There was many many compilation albums titled "Bloodstains across..." and a name of a country such as Germany, Norway, Finland, Australia, Denmark...... and also from California, Texas and Alberta.... All the songs are shorter than 2 minutes, lets hear em now,

1. Bloodstains
This song definitely is their most well known and it over-shadows the other 2 tracks on the EP which is too bad, but this one definitely shines out the brightest. This is pretty much a perfect song, a pop song with Punk rock lyrics and kinda surf/skate themed melodies. It works. And it's just perfectly long/short enough and has pretty much every element you wanna hear in a good song. But this is also really accetable song and many mainstream kids know this and this is proboably used in some movies... This is an early version of this song. The sound isn't that clean and clear as in the more well known version. The guitar riffs makes me imagine surfing. Lyrics deal with alienation. I like the chorus,

bloodstains - speed kills
fast cars - cheap thrills
rich girls - fine wine

i've lost my sense - i've lost control - i've lost my mind!

After the second chorus the singer makes a loud scream and it gets into the solo part. Sounds like some weird 50's beach party..

2. America
Way different sounding song that "Bloodstains". Starts with few drum beats and gives a little moment for feedback sound and then gets more fast hardcore punk esque kinda... Not that angry singing as i'm used to hear with hardcore punk. Another alienation themed song. Also deals with commercialism "join the pepsi generation, that's the american way". And about being bored of education and also saying that "america's been good to me, but i laugh when people say"
then the chorus:

all the kids salute the flag

uncle sam wants you

come on boys lets hear it for the

red, white , and blue

Funny at the same time but the meaning of the song is still current.

3. Bored Of You I like the bass playing in here. Sounds like the bassist is just playing 1 chord over and over again. This is also really hardcore punk rock kinda song. The singer sings more raw here which i like. He has a cool voice. He sings about being bored of everything thought as "cool" and which has became over too hip with new punkers and all of them looking the same and wearing the same things.

My Rating: 7/8

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