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Hello ladies and gentlemen, boys and grrrls, dogs, cows and other species, welcome to my shitty blog. Who Cares Right!?! is officially unpublished music fanzine by me. It concentrates on reviewing music. Our goal is to make people say "Golly jeepers!" to how much music can a 1 person take. Our dear mr critic, Fringe, will do all the reviewing. If he cannot do atlest one review in a week, we put him to a box, having nothing but gruel and mustard to eat till he finishes atleast the one dang review. His english may suck at times since he has no real education on it. He somehow learned english by watching Cartoon Network when he was little. He'll review everything from official albums to bootlegs, rarities and oddities... anything.

tiistai 11. toukokuuta 2010

Review #17 - Melvins - The Bride Screamed Murder (2010)

Gee a new Melvins album leaked to the internet wayyyyy before it was ment to be released. I don't know whos to blame, but thanks alot!
The album has the good olde Melvins sound in it, but also experiments with new sounds. Even though The Melvins will always be El Melvins, each of their album has different kinda feel to it. Nevermind the the yadayada, fasten your seatbelt, sit on top of your hands, put your legs up in the air and scream like a lunatic, heres the Melvins:

1. The Water Glass
Good Melvins style heavy sound starts the album. It soon deforms more noisy and noisy, makes you wanna turn up these barely working computer stereos from 1995 to the max. The noise part soon ends and Dale starts drumming this and that, then some bizarre yelling is the first vocal thing we hear. The song changes the form again and now Dale jams more faster, then suddenly makes it way slower. As the song
is near its end, Buzz says "1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, here we go..." Then the singing changes to army like, we are ready! then the soldiers reply we are readyy! and whatever their sargent sings first. They keep singing like this till the song ends.

2. Evil New War God

Now this is alot different that the 1st track. Sounds like the "usual" Melvins. Heavy, rock song and since i don't know the lyrics yet, they proboably make no sense at all like in so many of their songs, another thing which makes them so enjoyable. The song morphs to more slow and has some electric piano played in the background, which gets the song kinda ghost-train kinda feel to it for a few seconds, then Dale and Buzz play a little thing one at a time and back to the creepyass ghost-train we go.

3. Pig House
The Melvins have always had the coolest songtitles. Alot different sound here than the previous track. Not that heavy, yet pretty rockin'. The riff changes totally for awhile and sounds like the song is ending, but Dale starts drumming and here we go again. "Weeeeeee starteeeeed(?) but now we're runniiiiing". Noisy solo kicks in. I'm not sure if this could be even considered a solo since half of the song is jamming. Well i'll call it a solo. Then the song gets more quieter and quieter till you can just hear the drums and "ow" and whistling, then bing!, like hitting a glass with a spoon kinda sound ends it with it's feedback.

4. I'll finish you off
If you imagine the guitar being a shaver, you could maybe imagine how the guitar sound at the beginning sounds like. More bizarre singing here. Sounds like a male choir of Buzz Osbournes singing. Gets all heavy and suddenly back to church we go. This time the male choir is on acid. Someone hums something at the end, then we hear some electric piano playing and "my generatioon!".

5. Electric Flower
a Bass jam starts the song, guitar quickly adding into it and drums keep up the rhytmn (how the hell you type that word? rhytymn, rhtmn? rhytmndsouisdsgesad?). I just thought of a music video to this, a thousand cowboys riding their horses in the wild west to a saloon and The Melvins playing there. The cowboys would start to dance polka dance or whatever to the music.

6. Hospital Up
This sounds relaxing and mellow. They could actually make music vids of the whole album. This would be a sequel to the thousand cowboys dancing at the saloon. This time it could be a bar fight in slowmotion. When the "real" part of the song is over, the place is torn to the ground and everybody lays unconciousness and theres chickens running everywhere and cats walking on a piano since theres some piano playing heard in the song.

7. Inhumanity and Death
Drums start the song, bass quickly adds in, then a scream can be heard and weeeeehooooooowaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!! sounds kinda like the 1983 mELVInS. This time, some wannabe badass thief cowboy enters the town and robs the bank and the thousand cowboys have to chase him down. Really intense and insanely retarded chase begins. The ending sounds like as if the robber could get hit by a train but it ends so that we'll might never know did it hit or not.

8. My Generation
The Who cover yeah. But with totally slow and haunting kinda melody. The whole sound changes shape and it sounds like a blizzard. Like if an alien landed on earth and it trys walking through the snowstorm and faints and santa finds it and uses it as his present making slave. The alien trys to escape but it's way more though escaping from the dark basements of santa's castle than from Alcatraz.

9. P.G. x 3
Harmonica starts the song with. The male choir is back with this track. Maybe this is what you hear when you die. A slow guitar solo joins the song when the male choir stops singing. A little girl counts 123456 and someone counts it again with really lovely feedback noise in the background. Then she repeats 4 few times really sloooooooow and then it keeps getting faster and faster and faster till its so super duper fast that you cant keep up with it anymooooooooooooooooooooore wahahahhahahhahahahhahahhaahaa!!!!

Really good new Melvins album. Way different better than what i thought it might be. You'll never know what to excpet from thee Melvinssssah. This album gets the gruel bowl of the week

My rating: 8/8

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